Thursday, January 19, 2012

Revamped commission reporting for publishers

Last week, we made a few updates to help publishers stay on top of commission rates and commission rate changes.

New commission report for publishers

The new commission report allows publishers to view all of their commission rates (except for tiers & category-level commission rates) in one location. This report allows publishers to sort, filter, and export the commission rates as a comma or tab delimited file. Learn more about commission reports.

Improved commission notifications for publishers

Commission notifications now display the old and the new values for commissions that have changed. This helps publishers easily track changes that have occurred to a commission rate.


Test Advertiser 1 (K3)


New Commission schedule:

Start Date: 2012-01-01

Event Type: Transaction

Rate: 58.00% of sales


Previous Commission schedule:

Start Date: 2011-09-27

End Date: 2012-01-01

Event Type: Transaction

Rate: 10.00% of sales

If you have any questions or feedback, we’d love to hear from you at our forum.

Posted by Ali Pasha, Product Manager

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