Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Easier Floodlight Reporting in DoubleClick Search

DS now gives you the power to customize your Floodlight reporting, in an easy-to-read column format. Use the Floodlight section in the DS column selector to choose specific Floodlight activities or groups to appear as columns. This will allow you to compare engine performance statistics to conversion data from any floodlight activity, from a campaign to a keyword.

If you are tracking multiple activities on your site, you can easily pick and choose which activities to analyze. For example, if you sell software on your site, you may want to see which keywords lead to free downloads vs. paid downloads, to help adjust bids or optimize keyword landing pages. With our new floodlight column breakout, you’re able to add both activities side by side, as two columns, to easily compare statistics. If you are just interested in seeing the total number of downloads (paid and free), you can also create a separate column, call it downloads, and define it as the combined actions of both activities.

From the Customize columns section, you’re now able to:

  • Create and name a column for each Floodlight activity you want to report on, allowing you to focus on and break out the activities most important to you.

  • Create a column that rolls up the data for a Floodlight group or any combination of Floodlight groups and activities.

  • Select the metric you want to see in the column. This allows you to create the equivalent of a column (such as Actions, Cost/action, etc.) that’s filtered to the selected Floodlight activities. Be sure to match the appropriate metrics to the activity type. For example, metrics like actions and cost/action should be paired with action tags. If the metrics and type of activity are mismatched (e.g. action metric with a transaction tag), the metrics will report as zero.

  • Download your report as you would any other for easy offline analysis.

We hope this new workflow makes it even easier to analyze the conversion data that’s most important to you. Read up on this new process in our Help Center or contact our support team for more information.

Posted by the DoubleClick Search team

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