Monday, July 23, 2012

AdMob SDK 6.1 Released

Last week, we released AdMob SDK v6.1 for both Android and iOS. This SDK contains a number of important bug fixes and exciting new features including:

Additional DoubleClick support

DoubleClick publishers will be happy to know that AdMob now provides support for app events, giving them the ability to execute custom code in their application when a creative dispatches an app event. Additionally, the new SDK provides support for multiple ad sizes using the same banner.

Easy access to Google Analytics

You’ll notice we’ve included the latest Google Analytics package in the “Add-Ons” directory. The new mobile app analytics provides the same best-in-class Google Analytics reporting, but for mobile apps.

If you have any questions about the AdMob SDK, please let us know on the forum or hang out during our upcoming AdMob/DFP office hours. For more information about this new SDK, take a look at our release notes.

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