Monday, April 30, 2012

DS Monthly New Feature Training

To help you stay on top of the new DoubleClick Search features, we’re happy to introduce the DS New Feature Training. This webinar will run on the first Thursday of the month and will include a walk-through of the key new features released in the previous month.

We’ll kick off this monthly webinar Thursday, May 3rd at 1:00pm EST, with a review of our new features from April, including:

  • Bulk edits in the interface

  • Search query report*

  • Floodlight column breakout*

  • DS change history*

  • Support for AdWords Sitelinks

*limited release

This new training joins our DS Fundamentals Series webinars (Intro to DS, Uploads & Sync, Reporting and Bid Strategies) as a regular monthly webinar.

Sign up for this or any of our trainings through the DS Training section of the Help Center.

The webinar will be recorded, so please reach out to the support team for a link to the recording if you’re unable to attend the live session.

Hope to see you there!

Posted by the DoubleClick Search team

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