Friday, September 21, 2012

C-C-C-Changes ?...No > C-C-C-Crisis

Do you like the size of this thing ?
I made it extra-large for ya.

Back to topic:

In Chinese, the two signs for crisis mean "danger" and "opportunity" - and I think that's a sweet-a-licious idea.

It reminds me of the past:

I used to be the righty doom & gloom crisis cry baby (and sometimes I still am).
Whenever I faced a crisis in the past, like when I got fired (maaaany years ago) or
when I lost all of money, I often FAILED to look at the opportunity - in those cases STARTING ANEW.
And even tiny things like my eguide launch in the next two weeks make cringe inside - is a crisis comin' up ?
But hey, it's all paaaart of the game. I have learned.
Learned that crying over a crisis won't do you any good. It already happened, whether it was your fault or not.
You might as well SEE THE OPPORTUNITY in it.

And that's when I embraced the C.

Whenever you're facing a crisis in your life & biz, think about the Chinese meaning:
"danger" and "opportunity".
Be like the yellow guy in the cartoon. Focus on the opportunity.
Crave Crisis.

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