Friday, September 21, 2012

This door begs to be opened

Some doors should be left alone,
and some need to be opened...everyday.

A friend of mine, who hasn't seen my work for at least a year, visited me recently and semi-exploded.

He slammed me to the ground. Well, verbally. This is what he said:

"What the hell, Mars. Your style still looks the same. Where's your progress, man ? Stop fucking around !!!"

First, I was pissed. Who-the-fuck-are-you-kind-of-pissed.  But then I was dealing with a go-getter, one that was even
bigger than myself, and I pondered.

The truth was - I was doing a lot of similar things that I was doing already a year ago, and resulting from that, my style didn't change that much.
Without knowing it, I sank into my cushy comfort zone, doing similar work and NOT taking it to the next level. I was unciously afraid of doing something new -
thinking that the known was all I need to progress. Ehhhh.


It remined me of that quote that Jonathan Fields unleashed in last year's World Domination Summit:
(I'm paraphrasing here):
"If you want to create new work, you'll have not complete knowledge over it"
His book, aptly titled "Uncertainty", is all about that principle.

I don't know about you, but I'm changing things and incorporate things in my creative biz that I haven't done before.

It's scary like a Poltergeist on acid to open the door that leads to uncertainty. But if you want to create outstanding work, you have to open it.
Every single time.

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