Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Get social, mobile, and 40+ new data points with the Google Analytics API

Google Analytics Core Reporting APIs enable a powerful and flexible way to analyze, report on, and ultimately optimize such things as web and mobile experiences, conversions, and sales.

Today we’re adding over 40 new metrics and dimensions that can be queried through the Core Reporting API. This enables developers to create reports that are similar to what is available in the Google Analytics web interface for important areas such as social and mobile. See a full list of additions on the Core Reporting API changelog.

Here’s a rundown of what’s new and a few helpful questions the data can answer.

Social Data

Now you can get data for both on-site interactions with social buttons as well as off-site social data from social data hub partner networks.

Mobile Devices

For mobile visits to your site, get all the good stuff like like brand, model, and input type.


We added a new dimension to indicate the Designated Market Area (DMA) where traffic came from.

Page Path Rollups

Create your own drill down reports with these new dimensions that allow you to roll-up metrics to hierarchical levels of your property.

App & Exception Tracking

If you’re using the Google Analytics SDK for iOS/Android v2 beta, you can now retrieve App View and Exception metrics.

User Timings

New ways to report on all things related to user timing data.

Related Resources:

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