Friday, September 21, 2012

Don't break your eggs. But do "break"

Don't break your eggs. But do "break"

It many parts of the world, it's Easter time, and that usually means :
Eat lots of candy and hang out with the family.

More or less.

But it means something more - it's also the time to:

quieting it down, leveraging your lazyness, chilling it coolio style.

Especially if you're an entrepreneur & maker.

Yeah yeah, I know. I always talking about doing something everyday, and keeping up with the creative momentum. It's true that constant work is the way
to impacting the world and creating awesome stuff.

But being on maker mode 24/7 will actually diminish this super-important creation ability - it's the notorious workaholic syndrome. You think you're creative & productive, because you're working your soul off.
But you end up being busy all the time, without creating any real, valuable work.

So, this weekend, even if you're not into Easter at all, take a 180 degree break. Do something that's COMPLETELY different from your working schedule -
something that stimulates wayyyyy different parts of your brain. This refreshment will not only feel like heaven, but also stimulate
your creativity.

So that you appear rejuvenated on your working day, powered up to create epic shit.

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