Showing posts with label Training and Events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Training and Events. Show all posts

Monday, September 17, 2012

Google Analytics User Conference, October 3 - 4

GAUGE (Google Analytics Users’ Great Event) Boston is approaching quickly. For those who don’t yet know, GAUGE is a training conference led by Google Analytics Certified Partners, and will help sharpen your GA skills through learning practical knowledge from other users that you can put to use immediately. 

The two-day event includes:

  • 21 hands-on sessions and workshops led by top Google Analytics experts, including Analytics Pros, ISITE Design, Cardinal Path and LunaMetrics

  • Two keynote addresses: 

    • ‘The Art of Storytelling’ by Jason L. Baptiste at Onswipe

    • ‘Seeing the Forest AND the Trees: How NPR can see detailed behavior data at massive scale to drive unprecedented insight’ by Steven Mulder, NPR, and Alex Langshur, Cardinal Path

  • Presentations from the Google Analytics team, including analytics advocate, Justin Cutroni

  • Analytics Helpdesk where you can receive direct consultations

Use code GABLOGBO12 for a 10% registration discount. We also offer a 15% discount for members of the Digital Analytics Association and a 50% discount for Government, Non-Profit employees, and Full-Time students.

In addition to the User Conference and Training Day, our attendees are invited to the GAUGE Hacknight & Google Analytics Application Showcase on October 3rd from 5:30pm - 8:00pm.

This networking reception and application showcase gives developers of Google Analytics integrated products the chance to pitch their creation to a panel of industry leaders, Googlers, and the audience. Any individual or company that has developed a product, platform, application, or other tool that integrates with Google Analytics is invited to apply. 

If you aren’t attending GAUGE but still want to attend the Hackathon, request an invitation here.

If you’re not able to attend GAUGE Boston, consider attending our San Francisco event in April 2013.

I hope to see you in Boston or at a future GAUGE event.

Posted by Caleb Whitmore, Founder & Chair: GAUGE Conference & Analytics Pros

Friday, September 14, 2012

Social that Adds Up: Performance and Measurement

Join us for a webinar Tuesday, September 18th 11am PT, in partnership with Hootsuite, to learn how we can make better decisions based on performance metrics of social networks using Google Analytics social reports. Register today, it’s open to everyone! 

Adam Singer, the Product Marketing Manager for Google Analytics, will go beyond the current social metrics of followers, +1’s, likes and others, to discuss the true impact your social media is making on your brand’s bottom line. We often are asked about how businesses can measure their social media and how they can capture the value they create for their consumers. Many of our current metrics allow us to measure the reach of our message, but not necessarily the ROI. What impact does social have on a company’s performance? Learn how to connect visits to your social pages all the way through to a sale or conversion on your website. It’s time to prove the value of social media with the right measurement metrics.

You’ll also learn how social media can actually influence other media performance and drive conversions. When you verify your Google+ Page, Google may show more endorsements for your business from your customers and supporters within the search results page. This can raise the social awareness of your business and increase its relevance. Because 77% of US consumers trust recommendations from their social media connections more than any other media source, seeing a +1, can help them make a purchase decision. On average, search ads with annotations have a 5-10% uplift in clickthrough rate. Some of our advertisers have seen even higher uplifts, H&M achieved 22% uplift, Cadbury achieved 17% uplift and achieved a 9% uplift in clickthrough rates on their search ads.

Start measuring the value you’re creating through your social media campaigns! 

Sources: Google Research 2012; Google internal data

Posted by the Google Analytics team

Friday, August 10, 2012

Mark Your Calendars For These Upcoming Analytics Events

Next week Google Analytics team members will be presenting on several key areas of measurement, both online and in-person. Be sure to mark your calendars and join us as we share ideas and best practices about everything analytics.

Google Developers Live Event (Online)

Make the Web Fast: Measuring performance with Google Analytics Site Speed reports

How well does your site perform? Are the slow pages affecting your conversation rates or driving away potential visitors and clients? In this perfcast, we will talk with Justin Cutroni and Ilya Grigorik about the new "real user measurement" (RUM) capabilities available in Google Analytics: we will discuss how the data is collected, what it means, and take a deep dive into some of the advanced use cases of how you can leverage this data within Google Analytics.

Date: Tuesday, August 14 at 2:00pm PST

How to watch: watch live at following GDL link, or add the event to your calendar on Google+.

Search Engine Strategies (San Francisco)

Google has several unmissable sessions at SES. Be sure to attend these two focused on measurement:

Business Optimization in a Digital Age

We were promised that Marketing one day would become rocket science. Well, we are almost there! Search continues to become more complicated, and more exciting. Then there's Social and Email and Display and Video and... so many more things. It is hard to understand how to do one thing right, much less try to do all of them right. In his exciting keynote Avinash Kaushik will share his unique perspective on balancing multiple media channels, leveraging super awesome metrics, grounding your digital existence in driving economic value, and leveraging the Clear Line of Sight model to ensure you are optimizing across all four of the most important business drivers.

Date: Tuesday, August 14 from 9:00-10:00am PST

Understanding the Mobile Customer Journey

Mobile apps are changing the consumer world and app developers, brands and marketers continue to invest heavily in the development of applications. This session will be an open dialogue about:

  • How there are currently more than 600,000 mobile apps on Google Play - and why you need to understand how your app is found, why it is critical to stand out and why mobile analytics are key to improve your apps performance in increasingly competitive marketplaces.

  • Brands increasingly creating mobile applications to reach their customers, and why they need to track and report end-to-end measurements of their results (as well as integrate mobile measurement holistically across digital tactics).

  • What are some of the best practices to begin mobile campaigns (landing pages, click-to-call, analytics, integrations, etc.).

  • Examples of brands, SMBs etc. using mobile in an effective way.

  • The future of mobile - where it is headed and when.


Jason Wells, CEO, ContactPoint

Adam Singer, Product Marketing Manager, Google Analytics

Date: Wednesday, August 15 from 10:30-11:30am PST

How to attend: SES runs from Tuesday, August 14 through Thursday, August 16. If you’re in San Francisco, check out the agenda page for the full details of our sessions and be sure to come out and say hi.

Posted by Adam Singer, Google Analytics team

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Webinar this Thursday: Multi-Channel Funnels

Over the past few months, we’ve hosted a series of webinars on marketing attribution, exploring how you can get better results by understanding and valuing your customers’ full journey -- from the first ad they see until they make a purchase.

This week, please join Neil Hoyne, Google’s Global Program Manager for Attribution, for an in-depth look at Multi-Channel Funnels. Neil will discuss how Multi-Channel Funnels can reveal customer interactions across different digital media, show how these channels work together to create sales and conversions, and how these tools tie to the larger attribution narrative. We’ll explore the different reports and discuss how to get the most out of Multi-Channels Funnels to improve your campaign performance.

Date: Thursday, August 9, 2012

Time: 9am PST / 12pm EST / 5pm GMT


Hope you’ll join us on Thursday!