Showing posts with label ad_exchange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ad_exchange. Show all posts

Monday, September 10, 2012

Upcoming extended AdWords API/Scripts, Ad Exchange, and DFP API Downtime

Update: Ad Exchange will be affected by the downtime as well. Please see below for details.

As previously mentioned, we have an upcoming AdWords, Ad Exchange, and DFP service outage. This will occur on Saturday, September 22 -- AdWords, Ad Exchange, and DFP systems will be unavailable from approximately 10:00 am to 8:00 pm Pacific Time (17:00 Saturday to 03:00 Sunday GMT) due to system maintenance.


During this time, your campaigns will continue to run as usual (with the settings you established as of 10am PST), but you won’t be able to make SOAP API calls or download reports. Requests to the AdWords API will fail with an HTTP 50x error during the maintenance window. Please also keep in mind that any automated rules scheduled during this time will not run and AdWords scripts will not execute during this period. We encourage you to verify your campaign settings prior to the outage.

Ad Exchange

During this time, your ad serving will continue to run per changes made prior to downtime period, but you will not be able to make API calls to Ad Exchange Buyer SOAP API. On Ad Exchange Buyer REST API, only the Direct Deals related API calls will be affected. For the Ad Exchange Real-Time Bidding Protocol, you will not be able to make changes to pre-targeting settings, everything else should continue to run as usual.


As mentioned above, ad serving will continue to run per changes made prior to the downtime period. If you use the audience feature in your network, any API call to the AudienceSegmentService service will fail with a SegmentError.UNEXPECTED_ERROR error. Also, if you target any audience segments in your line items, any calls to LineItemService, ForecastService, or LineItemCreativeAssociationService that involve those line items will fail.

We apologize for any inconvenience, and appreciate your patience as our engineers work to keep AdWords, Ad Exchange, and DFP running smoothly.

Friday, September 7, 2012

DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer REST API Version 1.1 Released

Version 1.1 of the Buyer REST API has been released bringing the following changes:

  • A list method has been added for the Creatives resource. 

  • The adgroupId has been removed from the Creatives resource. 

  • A region property has been added to the bidderLocation[] object. 

Creatives.List Method added 

The list method retrieves a list of all of the authenticated user's active creatives. Optional parameters allow you to set the maximum number of Creatives resources to return each time you call the method. You can also filter the contents of the list by the status of creatives, for example to restrict the contents of the list to those ads that have been approved. Valid status values are approved, disapproved, and not_checked.

Removed adgroupId property 

Beginning with Version 1.1 of the Buyer REST API, the adgroupId will no longer be returned from method calls. In addition, passing the adgroupId value to a Creatives method will raise an error. However, a creative submitted through the API can be used to respond to a pretargeting match for any ad group. The removal of this value means that the key to uniquely identify a creative now consists of accountId + buyerCreativeId.

Added region property to bidderLocation[] 

The bidderLocation[] list in the Account resource now includes a third value. The region property describes the region for the bidder location. You can contact your customer representative to determine whether or not your account is in the new quota system.

The value of region describes the geographical region from which the Ad Exchange should send requests. This value is used by the new quota system. Allowed values:

  • ASIA 


  • US_EAST 

  • US_WEST 

 -- Irene Smith, Ad Exchange Team

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Docs Grow Ears: Google Feedback now in Google Ads Developer Documentation

If you've recently visited any of the Google Ads Developer documentation, you may have noticed a "Feedback on this document" link at the top right corner of a page. That's right—you can now use that link to report errors, comment on existing content, or request further clarification for any of the Google Ads Developer docs:

In addition to this new channel, you can continue to reach out to us through the developer forums or Google Developers Live events.

Quang Nguyen, Ads Developer Relations Team

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Introducing the new Ads Developers Google+ Page

Today we are excited to introduce a new channel for communication - Ads Developers Google+ Page. It's a place to stay informed, engaged and connected on Ads products and developer tools.

Add our Google+ page to your circles for the latest product and feature announcements, best practices, case studies, as well as opportunities to interact with and learn from Google's Ads Developer Relations team and other members of the developer community.

We look forward to having one place to bring timely updates, concise announcements, and to share information in multimedia formats across all Ads products, as well as to listen and respond to your comments.