Friday, August 17, 2012

Agile Creativity: 7 Tech-Inspired Tips

There's no question that technology has fundamentally transformed the business of advertising. We think the really exciting changes come when we are able to re-imagine not just the ads themselves, but the whole process of conceiving and developing them. The "Mad Men" of the future will not only be fluent in technology, but also in the evolving, highly adaptable, "launch and iterate" style that has become the signature of Silicon Valley.

Developed in close partnership with ad industry executives, Agile Creativity is a playbook that agencies can use to brainstorm ways to be faster and more collaborative in their organizational structures and creative processes. Explore the best practices.

Last week we hosted a G+ Hangout on Air “Coders and Creatives: 2 Angles on Agility” featuring Google engineers and ad executives. The discussion centered around new models of collaboration, how creativity can thrive in a condensed timeline, and the power of prototyping both products and ideas. If you missed it, watch the highlights video. If you’d like to see the full 50-minute hangout, head here.

Also, check out Ad Age’s article on Agile Creativity for more information.

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