Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chart bid history in DS

With the latest DoubleClick Search (DS) release, you can now chart Max CPC as a metric in the performance summary graph. This gives you a great visual representation of a keyword’s bids over time. With one glance, you can see:

  • How frequently the bid is updated. We chart intra-day bid changes, so if a bid was updated 10 times in a day, there will be 10 time markers on the graph.

  • How the bid is trending over time. Are the changes gradual, drastic, increasing or decreasing, etc.

  • How the bid changes have affected other metrics. The Max CPC bids can be charted at the same time as any other metric, such as Cost.

  • How the Performance Bidding Suite is managing your keyword. If the keyword is in a bid strategy, you’ll get greater visibility into DS-managed bid changes.

To chart a bid history:

  1. Go to a Keywords page in the UI.

  2. Select one keyword in the statistics table and click Filter to selected.

  3. In the upper righthand corner of the performance summary graph, select Max CPC as a metric.

  4. You may also want to select a second metric like Cost, so you can see how cost correlated with your bids over time.

Learn more about charting a bid history in the Help Center.

Posted by the DoubleClick Search team

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