Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Go Mobile with Google - Create a Mobile Site for Free

With an estimated 70 million mobile Internet users in the country, Mobile Internet is taking off in India. And to help your business get ahead in this mobile era - we at Google India are very excited to launch a new initiative called ‘Let’s talk Mo’.

With Indian smartphone users spending over 72 mins daily on the mobile web (89% of them are searching for information*), the user-experience is not optimized for the mobile screen as most Indian websites are still designed for the PC experience. That’s why starting today, Google is giving Indian businesses two options: (1) Create a mobile optimized site for Free (2) Test how user friendly is your existing mobile site. We have launched a dedicated website that provides all the tools and resources that businesses need to have a presence on the mobile platform.

[*Source: Nielsen Informate Insights for smartphone users 2012]

On the Let’s Talk Mo website, businesses will be able to see how their sites look on a smartphone using the GoMoMeter tool and get personalized recommendations for creating a more user friendly experience. You can also choose from a range of partners who provide a Do It Yourself (DIY) tool to create a mobile site free of cost. The site also provides information on current mobile trends, best practices, case studies and various other resources to help businesses develop a successful mobile presence.

What's more, whether you are an advertiser, agency or a publisher, we have customized guides tailored to your specific requirements.

With more and more people using their mobile phones to explore the web, it makes sense for businesses to have a website optimized for mobile, sooner than later.

So, visit letstalkmo.com and get mobile ready!

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