Friday, August 24, 2012

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It’s Friday again, and we’re having a ball. Following in Curiosity’s wheel tracks, +Paul Saxman and +Brendan Kenny hosted Mars Mania and the Google Maps APIs! Working with imagery from the Mars rover and the Custom Street View Panorama API, they showed panoramas of Mars and talked about how you could too. Take a look:

Last time I had so much to mention I didn’t have space for this, but I think it deserves another look. On the 30th of July, +Marcelo Camelo and +Chris Broadfoot hosted a Q&A on getting started with the Google Places API. Lots of good stuff there, check it out:

And lastly, and because you know I love the maps of imaginary worlds from video games, I found the map of Tyria, the Guild Wars 2 world. On it, you can find crafting materials, trainers, ranger pets, and other points of interest.

Posted by Mano Marks, Maps Developer Relations Team

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