Thursday, August 23, 2012

Upcoming Learn With Google Webinar: Understanding Multi-Screen Consumer Behavior

90% of media consumption today is screen based, and the growing number of digital devices is rapidly changing the way people search, shop, and connect with people or businesses. To make the most of all of their devices consumers have developed common patterns of multi-screen behavior, and this multi-screening has quickly become the norm. In order to gain a deeper understanding of this changing consumer media behavior, we conducted some new research.

Join Google on Thursday, August 30th (10am PT/1pm ET) for a webinar about our recently released research, "The New Multi-screen World: Understanding Cross-Platform Consumer Behavior."

The webinar will share our research findings on how the growth of device ownership has changed the way that people consume media. We will also discuss specific strategies that businesses and advertisers can employ to take advantage of these multi-screen behaviors and more effectively connect with their target audience.

Sign up for our webinar today by registering here.

We look forward to seeing you on August 30th!

Posted by Samantha Podos Nowak, Product Marketing Manager, Google Mobile Ads

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