Friday, June 22, 2012

Google@ Cannes: Project Re: Brief Premiere, the Google+ "Winners Circle" and More

Last week, at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, the global advertising community gathered to celebrate and honor the most inspiring creative work from around the world. We are committed to working with our agency partners to enable and inspire this continued creative magic. Below are a few initiatives and projects that we discussed last week, designed to do just that: 

  • Project Re: Brief, the film: Earlier this year, we kicked off Project Re: Brief, our new experiment to re-imagine the future of advertising by taking some cues from its storied past. We’ve brought four of the most loved campaigns of the ‘60s and ‘70s -- Coca-Cola’s “Hilltop,” Volvo’s “Drive it like you hate it,” Avis’ “We try harder,” and Alka-Seltzer’s “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing” -- back to life, this time built from the ground up for the digital age, with the partnership of the the advertising legends that originated them. But we think the ads themselves are only part of the story. Behind the scenes of our “Project,” we saw an amazing journey unfold as traditional, classically trained advertising creatives came together with technologists for the first time to collectively push the bounds of what online advertising can be. This journey is captured in “Project Re: Brief: A Film About Re-Imagining Advertising,” which we premiered at Cannes, and made widely available today on YouTube.

  • The Google+ Winners Circle: In the same spirit of helping share inspiration from some of the world’s best advertising creatives, we're also creating the Google+ “Winners Circle.” This will be a new circle of 50 of the industry’s most honored creatives so that everyone in the industry can meet the people behind the amazing work we’re here to celebrate and see what makes them tick.

  • Agency Edge, our refreshed training platform for agencies: One of the top requests we get from our agency partners is for more tips and training to help get the most out of the web’s myriad of marketing tools. We initially addressed this several years ago with the launch of AgencyLand, an educational platform designed specifically for our agency partners. But in the years since, the agency landscape, the range of tools available and in fact, the entire ecosystem, have shifted dramatically. So to meet the new and quickly evolving needs of today’s agencies, we unveiled Agency Edge, a place where agencies can get on-demand training, collateral and benchmark data to better serve their clients. 

Cannes is one of my favorite events of the year, precisely because of the amazing mix of innovation and creativity on display. We think, though, that even more dazzling projects lay just over the horizon. Through initiatives like these, we hope to help bring them into view. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Show a Custom Image When No AdMob Ad Is Available: Part 2

We previously discussed how to show a custom image using the Google AdMob SDK when an ad request can’t be filled. In the second and final part of this series, we’ll explain how to resume showing AdMob ads if, for example, internet connectivity is restored.

In part 1, we demonstrated how to hide the ad and display a custom image when the first ad request fails. However, the AdMob SDK doesn't make another ad request until it successfully receives an ad, so you must schedule your own refresh. Here’s how to do it:

private final Handler refreshHandler = new Handler();
private final Runnable refreshRunnable = new RefreshRunnable();
private boolean firstAdReceived = false;

public void onFailedToReceiveAd(Ad ad, ErrorCode code) {
if (!firstAdReceived) {
// Keep code from part 1.
// Schedule an ad refresh.
refreshRunnable, REFRESH_RATE_IN_SECONDS * 1000);

private class RefreshRunnable implements Runnable {
public void run() {
// Load an ad with an ad request.
adView.loadAd(new AdRequest());

A Handler is used to schedule an ad refresh at your desired refresh rate. Before making the postDelayed call, the handler removes any pending posts that may be queued.

With these changes, your application will request an AdMob ad at a regular interval. Once a request is successful, the existing code in onReceiveAd swaps out your custom image with an AdMob ad, and AdMob starts refreshing automatically.

If the user either leaves your app or clicks on your custom ad, you want to pause your refresh handler when your app is not visible to the user. This is an Android best practice that will help preserve battery life. You can override Android’s onStop and onStart callbacks to stop and start ad refreshes, as shown below:

public void onStop() {
// Remove any pending ad refreshes.

public void onStart() {
if (!firstAdReceived) {
// Request a new ad immediately.;

This code prevents your app from making ad requests when the user exits your app but immediately requests an ad when the user returns to your app.

That’s it! You’ve successfully integrated a placeholder image into your application to stand in when an ad request can’t be filled. Check out the full example if you have trouble setting up the code.

As always, let us know on the forum if you have any questions about the Google AdMob SDK, or join us during office hours.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Map of the Week: The Global Transition to a New Economy

Map of the Week: The Global Transition to a New Economy

Why we like it: This map is a great way to discover NGO projects from all over the world. The info-graphic style of the site is a well designed way to catalog a large amount of information, that’s easy to access and understand. Additionally, by using Styled Maps to simplify the color scheme of the map, the color coded markers really pop out.

In the run-up to this year’s United Nations’ Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 (Rio+20), the New Economics Institute launched the Global Transition to a New Economy. As described by the organization, “The Global Transition to a New Economy maps innovative projects that challenge business as usual ... Together, these projects create a world that prioritizes human well being, within environmental limits.”

Promoting activism on a global scale is a very complex task. This map aims to make things easier by cataloging the efforts of many different NGOs on and around the map.

The map employs several design elements to create a very focused message. For example, the color of the map fits in well with the branding of the site and there’s even the ability to turn political labels on or off, which is a creative way of using styled maps to show that the problems we face in future are not exclusive to any boundary.

It’s great to see another example of the Google Maps API being used to promote good causes in the world. We hope visitors will use this map to discover great organizations around the world and help solve the environmental and economic problems we face.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Join us at IAB Marketplace: Advertising Technology this Thursday in NYC

On Thursday, Jun 21, 2012, IAB is hosting its Advertising Technology Marketplace at the Crowne Plaza Times Square in New York City, and DoubleClick will be there! This event looks to address the developments, opportunities, and impact of technology on the digital media ecosystem, and we have a number of Google leaders contributing to both the advertiser and publisher sides of the conversation. We look forward to seeing you at the event--in particular the sessions we are leading below!

Building Brands with Programmatic Buying: A Case Study with Kellogg’s

9:30 am, Mainstage

Presented by:

Chip Scovic, Head of Sales, Strategic Partner Management for Google

Bob Arnold, Associate Director, Global Digital Strategy, Kellogg’s Company

Demand-side platforms are transforming how digital media is bought and sold, bringing new levels of precision and reach to digital marketing campaigns. And although the technology is still largely relegated to the realm of "direct response," this is quickly changing. RTB is poised to transform not just performance-oriented campaigns, but also brand-building efforts, as marketers are turning to the technology for the advantages it offers. The ability to reach a precise audience, in real time, and increasingly through engaging new formats, metrics and inventory are all trends that are promising new opportunities for marketers. In this session, Google's Chip Scovic partners with Jon Suarez-Davis from Kellogg's to take us through ways in which advertisers are beginning to blend art and science to build their brands online.

The Next Generation Ad Buying Platform

10:25 am and 11:05 am, room 406

Presented by: Stephen Yap, Head of Emerging Products & Markets, Google

In these sessions DoubleClick seeks to answer the question: What is the next generation ad platform? From ad serving and creative, to ad buying and reporting. From mobile and video to search and social. With a clear vision of the future, we will explore the functionality and performance required to advance the industry and meet the evolving needs of digital marketers.

The Publisher Opportunity: Devices & Ad Formats

10:05 am and 10:45 am, room 406

Presented by:

Shane Peros, Managing Director, Americas Sales, Google

Bill Murray, Vice President, Digital Advertising Operations at The Weather Channel

In these sessions, Shane Peros, Managing Director for Strategic Publisher Partnerships at Google will be joined by a top-tier publisher to discuss cross-format opportunities in mobile, video, rich media and the operational efficiencies and benefits of using the DoubleClick suite of products.

Preferred Deals: A New Way to Sell in the Ad Exchange

A few weeks ago at DoubleClick Insights, we announced the beta of Preferred Deals on the Ad Exchange to help you find incremental revenue in the “middle tier” between your direct and indirect sales. Preferred Deals (formerly Direct Deals) is a sales tool that makes it easy for you to privately offer inventory to select buyers in a fixed-price, non-guaranteed fashion--before it enters the general auction.

Preferred Deals are best suited for publishers who usually sell their inventory anonymously and are looking to connect with buyers in a discrete way. The buyers benefit by getting access to inventory they can’t find elsewhere. This interface provides a streamlined process for soliciting and negotiating Preferred Deals, giving you and your demand partners a more efficient alternative to phone calls and emails.

Making Preferred Deals work requires that you and your buyers compromise to find areas of mutual benefit. Though Preferred Deals is currently in closed beta, we’re hosting two joint publisher/buyer webinars to help you understand how they work. Register for the time that works best for you below.

North American Webinar

Friday, June 22nd at 11am PDT (1pm CDT, 2pm EDT)

Register HERE

EMEA Webinar

Friday, June 22nd at 3pm GMT (7am PDT, 10am EDT)

Register HERE

Posted by Drew Bradstock, Product Manager

Monday, June 18, 2012

New Training Curriculum: DS Personal Trainer

Are you new to DoubleClick Search (DS) and need to get ramped up?  Do you have a lot of new hires on your team that need to learn the ins and outs of DS?  Then DS Personal Trainer is perfect for you!

DS Personal Trainer is a self-paced training curriculum, composed of numerous Help Center articles and videos, that allows you to go through all of the major components of DS3 (admin set-up, campaign management, reporting, and bid management) as well as complete quizzes for each section and take a final exam.

Upon completing the course, you’ll receive a nifty DS3 certificate of completion that you can hang up in your cube and brag about to others, displaying your DS3 knowledge.  This training is mainly geared towards new DS3 users, but  any user can participate. 

Please note:  DS Personal Trainer is currently only available in English in North America.

Simply register for Personal Trainer through the training registration page here, and once registered you’ll receive the link to access it and get started!

Posted by the DoubleClick Search Team

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fab Friday is getting ready for I/O

Author Photo

Google I/O is around the corner, and I’m really looking forward to all the great sessions and meeting many of our great developers. There are ten sessions scheduled scheduled for Google Maps, plus three codelabs. OK, now I’m getting nervous thinking about everything that has to be done before then!

Anyway, the whole Google Maps Developer Relations Team will be there, as well as several engineers, product managers, and at least one vice president. For those of you who will be there, please introduce yourself, we love meeting Maps developers. If you can’t make it to Google I/O, you can still participate through Google I/O Extended, and all the sessions will be recorded.  OK, now it’s time to get ready!

To help warm us up for Google I/O, on Tuesday, Susannah Raub and Marcelo Camelo from the Google Maps API team in Sydney will join me in the next Google Maps API Office Hours. Susannah is the tech lead for the Google Maps API, and Marcelo is the tech lead for the Place API. The three of us will talk about our upcoming sessions at Google I/O and answer your questions. For more information, check out our Google+ Post. Susannah and Marcelo are fun so it should be a great conversation. I look forward to having you there.

Speaking of Office Hours, Yesterday I sat down with Thor Mitchell and Chris Broadfoot for our latest Google Maps API Office Hours, at a Sydney friendly time. Chris and I talked with Thor about his favorite subject, the Google Maps API. We had a wide-ranging conversation about the Google Maps API V3, the coming end of the deprecation period for V2 and general thoughts about the future of Google’s mapping technologies. You can check out the video here:

Posted by Mano Marks, Google Maps Developer Relations Team