Friday, August 10, 2012

Video chat with multiple people with Hangouts in Gmail

1:1 Video chat in Gmail has been upgraded and is now powered by Google+ Hangouts. If both sides have created a Google+ profile you will get the full Hangouts experience including the ability to add up to nine other people to the conversation, screen sharing and integrated Google Docs collaboration.

Release track:


Editions included:

Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Learn with Google Webinars Help Make the Web Work for You

It’s almost back-to-school time, but students aren’t the only ones who are getting geared up to learn. Today, we’re announcing our next series of Learn with Google webinars, which will arm you with the tools you need to get the most out of Google’s advertising products and solutions. Over the next couple of months, 12 webinars will teach you tips and how-to’s to help make the web work for your business.

Check out the full schedule below:

  • Aug 23 at 10am PDT How to Kick Start Social with Google+ (Hangout on Air)

  • Aug 28 at 10am PDT Optimizing your Video Ad Campaigns

  • Aug 29 at 10am PDT Google+: Enhancing Marketing and Making Social Accountable

  • Sept 5 at 10am PDT Go Bigger, Faster with AdWords Editor

  • Sept 6 at 10am PDT Making the Most of Recent AdWords Updates

  • Sept 12 at 10am PDT Driving Cost-Effective App Downloads with AdWords

  • Sept 13 at 10am PDT Go Bigger, Faster with AdWords Scripts

  • Sept 18 at 10am PDT Better Together: Combining Targeting Strategies in Display

  • Sept 19 at 10am PDT The Importance of Search Advertising

  • Sept 20 at 10am PDT Measuring the Impact of Online Advertising on Offline Sales

  • Sept 26 at 10am PDT GoMo: Mobilize your Site and Maximize your Advertising

  • Sept 27 at 10am PDT Optimizing Display Campaigns: Tips, Tricks, & Tools

Visit our webinar page to register for any of the sessions and to access past webinars on-demand. We’ll be adding new webinars as they’re scheduled, so check back regularly for updates. You can also stay up-to-date on the schedule by adding our Learn with Google Webinar calendar to your own Google calendar to automatically see upcoming webinars.

Whether your goal is to engage the right customers in the moments that matter, make better decisions, or go bigger, faster, we hope that you’ll use these best practices and how-to’s to maximize the impact of digital and grow your business. We’re looking forward to having you in class at an upcoming Learn with Google webinar!

Posted by Erin Green, Marketing Coordinator

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Recommending the most relevant advertisers, publishers, and links

Over the past year, we've heard from publishers and advertisers that they want a network that can help them create meaningful relationships. We've listened, and today, we've released a completely new recommendation engine that redefines how you can find and take advantage of affiliate marketing opportunities.

Publishers can find advertiser recommendations under the Advertisers > Recommended advertisers sub-tab. This is where they can find a list of available programs ranked based on relevancy and predicted performance. Each recommendation also shows why the recommendation was made, along with an estimate of earnings potential for that advertiser. We display advertiser recommendations based on the criteria below:

  • Similar category: Advertisers are ranked by relevancy to your publisher category.

  • Revenue potential: Advertisers are ranked primarily based on estimated payout fees.

In addition to the average advertiser EPC, each recommendation has an estimated advertiser EPC. Estimated EPC is a brand new metric designed to help publishers understand how much they could potentially earn with that advertiser.

Advertisers can now see publisher recommendations, too. Using the recommendation engine, the Publishers > Recommended publishers sub-tab shows a list of publishers that Google algorithms recommend as a good fit based on similar categories and revenue potential.

We've also brought the power of recommendations to the Links tab to help publishers find and promote the most relevant ads with the highest performance potential. Under the Links > Recommended links sub-tab, we display recommended text and banner links that Google algorithms predict may perform best for each individual publisher.

For more details, we suggest reviewing these Help Center articles:

Sign in to your account and try out recommendations. After you’ve taken a few minutes to review, we’d love to hear from you in our forum.

Posted by:

Ali Pasha, Product Manager

Robin Anil, Software Engineer

Next round of Google Ads Developers Live events

Interested in more Google Ads Developers Live (Office Hours) events? We know you are because attendance has been great!

We've scheduled another round of events for AdWords, AdMob, DFP and AdSense APIs. You can view the newly scheduled live events on the Google Ads Developers Live page. Please add the events you are interested in to your calendar. You can follow our schedule by subscribing to the Google Ads Developers Office Hours calendar, which is also linked on this blog’s sidebar.

Just like in previous live events, you can join these hangouts to ask us questions or provide feedback about our products. In response to your request we will be adding AdWords API sessions for the Asia Pacific region and Japan. If you are from Asia Pacific countries or Australia and couldn’t join the hangouts before due to timezone inconvenience, we hope you will find these additional sessions more convenient. The live events in Japan will be in Japanese.

Events will rotate throughout the week to accommodate more people. We are also planning to make some of these events topic-based, where we will introduce you to a new feature of our product and then answer your questions on that topic. The dates and topics for these sessions will be announced in advance in separate blog posts.

In case you haven’t joined us before, you will need 3 things to join the hangout:

These hangouts are informal and conversational, which make them a great place to ask questions or give us feedback. If you have questions about our office hours, reach out to us on the forums.

Chart bid history in DS

With the latest DoubleClick Search (DS) release, you can now chart Max CPC as a metric in the performance summary graph. This gives you a great visual representation of a keyword’s bids over time. With one glance, you can see:

  • How frequently the bid is updated. We chart intra-day bid changes, so if a bid was updated 10 times in a day, there will be 10 time markers on the graph.

  • How the bid is trending over time. Are the changes gradual, drastic, increasing or decreasing, etc.

  • How the bid changes have affected other metrics. The Max CPC bids can be charted at the same time as any other metric, such as Cost.

  • How the Performance Bidding Suite is managing your keyword. If the keyword is in a bid strategy, you’ll get greater visibility into DS-managed bid changes.

To chart a bid history:

  1. Go to a Keywords page in the UI.

  2. Select one keyword in the statistics table and click Filter to selected.

  3. In the upper righthand corner of the performance summary graph, select Max CPC as a metric.

  4. You may also want to select a second metric like Cost, so you can see how cost correlated with your bids over time.

Learn more about charting a bid history in the Help Center.

Posted by the DoubleClick Search team

Scheduled Release track features update 8/7/12

No new features to announce.

The following features are intended for release to these domains on August 14th:

Calendar: Users have had the ability to change the colors of calendars from a default color palette. Users can now choose a custom color if the default palette does not meet their needs.

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Editions included:

Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Named & Protected Ranges and Border Styles in Google Spreadsheets

Named & Protected Ranges: Users now have the ability to name a range in a spreadsheet. You can then protect such a named range instead of protecting the whole sheet. You can also use the name of the range in formulas.

Border colors: Users can now pick the color and style of cell borders. This features is accessible as an added option through the cell borders toolbar button.

Release track:


Editions included:

Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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